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Love Makes a Great Father

Lindsay Roberts

When it comes time to celebrate Father’s Day, I don’t have to look any farther than my own home to see a wonderful example of fatherhood ― my husband, Richard.

Like most dads today, Richard has many demands on his time. And according to the world’s system, a man’s worth is valued by what work he produces ― the more he works or earns, the better he looks to the world. But if the full measure of a person’s value was based on how far he pushed and worked, it would be easy to get out of balance.

Richard could easily slip into the workaholic mode without realizing it. But with God’s help, he has learned the importance of putting his relationship with the Lord and his family first. I’m grateful that our children get to watch him live his priorities every day. Through his example, they have learned that love is what makes a great father.

God is the greatest example of fatherhood, because He is love and we are always on His mind. In Jeremiah 31:3 He says, “I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” First John 3:1 NIV says, How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

God’s love for us is everlasting, and He has shed that love abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit so that we can love others.

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Picture of Richard Roberts

Richard Roberts

Richard Roberts, B.A., M.A., D.Min., is the Chairman and CEO of Richard Roberts Ministries and has dedicated his life to ministering the saving, healing, delivering power of Jesus Christ around the world.

His services are marked with supernatural miracles and healings and by a tremendous move of the Spirit. Today, Richard focuses on his Greater Works international pastors conferences where he teaches and trains pastors in underdeveloped nations to take the full gospel with miracles, healing and signs following to their villages, cities, and nations, as Jesus said in John 14:12.