From the archives of Oral Roberts – First of three parts
The Lord recently gave me what I believe was a spiritual dream. These kinds of dreams happen to me from time to time. On this particular night, I do recall that I went to sleep with this Scripture on my mind: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).
That verse summarizes one of the most powerful truths of the Bible: Jesus Christ never changes. He was, and is, and will always be the same. He is the incarnation of our loving, healing, good God who reaches out to His people to make covenants with them to bless them. Jesus wants to bless you today. He wants you to experience His miracles today. And you can count on Him being a healing, miracle-working Jesus in your life tomorrow!
Because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He is always in the NOW of your life. I’ve preached that for years all over the world and through the television ministry: “God is in the Now.”
In my dream, I had a vision of me speaking in an auditorium before a great crowd, and I was preaching with great anointing, “God is in the Now.” The people joined with me, raising their voices like a mighty river, saying, “God is in the Now.” The entire back of the building began to open to reveal yet another great crowd joining in, all saying, “God is in the Now!” Then the Spirit moved upon me and gave me a totally new direction to speak. He spoke in my spirit, “You are in My Now.”
What a tremendous thought that is! We are in God’s Now. We are at the forefront of His mind… at the top of His list. We are His greatest concern – right NOW!