Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. —Psalm 23:5
When your enemies are trying to get the best of you, it’s good to know the Lord is there, feeding you and strengthening your inner man.
I’m reminded of a man who was falsely accused and was to be brought before a group of his superiors to defend himself. He realized he would probably lose his job, and he was frightened. But while he was on his way to the conference, the Lord gave him Psalm 23:5: Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.
So the man recited this verse over and over. As he sat down and faced the men who were going to question him, he continued saying it under his breath. To his amazement, they all started talking about something else. Finally, one of the men said, “There’s nothing to substantiate this accusation. Let’s forget the whole thing.” And turning to the man, he added, “Don’t you think it’s time to go back to your job?”
The man said he has always believed that because of that Scripture, he didn’t lose his job.