All Things Work Together for Good

From the archives of Evelyn Roberts

Once, in the midst of a crisis, I found a divine prescription to help put myself together again spiritually: “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28 NKJV). But I had to personalize the verse so it would apply to me.

First, I changed the “we know” to “I know.”  As the crisis developed, I began to get sick. I had taken my eyes off my Source, which robbed me of the support of an inner knowing, which is the meaning of faith. I had to know for myself that whatever the circumstances, God does what He says He is going to do.

Second, “all things work together for good.” When you cook, some ingredients don’t taste good alone, but when mixed with other ingredients, the combination is delicious. I began to see that my struggles were like those ingredients. God could put them together and change them into something good.

Third, I changed “to those who love God” to “to you, Evelyn, for you love God.” I began to have a growing knowledge of God’s love for me, that He loved His own Son so much that He allowed Him to suffer and die on the Cross for my sins!

Fourth, I dwelled on the phrase “who are called according to His purpose.” I am called by God for His purpose, rather than mine alone. Even at the times when I feel like I’m taking a different course, I am to obey His voice.

God is my Source. I believe He is bigger than any crisis we might face. He is the one who can pull the parts of our lives together and make something good come out of all of them!

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