Richard Roberts
Acts 26:2 says, I think myself happy… because I shall answer for myself. Happiness is not circumstantial. It’s not situational. It really is attitudinal. It is a choice. Whatever you are going through, happiness is a choice you make.
The apostle Paul had been arrested by the Roman government and accused by his own brethren, the Jews, of breaking some frivolous laws which the kings of Rome, the Caesars, and the judges couldn’t even understand. Paul was in a room full of hostility — people who hated him, his accusers, the Sanhedrin court, and the members of the Pharisaic group. As he stood, his first words were, “I think myself happy, King Agrippa.”
Paul referred to himself many times in his writings as the prisoner of the Lord Jesus Christ…and Him only. So, when he came before the king, the leading, dominant thought in Paul’s mind was that he was happy. Even though they had accused him, lied about him, had tied him down and beat him, and had judged him, in his mind, he was free!