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He Is Lord ― He Is Lord Over Fear

From the archives of Oral RobertsThird of three parts

A little boy once was given a part in a play at church and he had one line to say: “It is I, be not afraid.” He rehearsed that line with his mother for days, and any time his teacher or his mother would ask him to give his line, he’d stand up straight and say loudly and slowly, “It is I, be not afraid.”

The night of the play finally arrived and the little boy walked out from behind the curtain to face the audience for the first time. The lights were bright. The auditorium was packed. And the little boy suddenly felt a great panic as he stood there in the spotlight. Finally he said, “Folks, it’s only me, and I’m scared to death.”

Have you ever felt like that little boy? I have. Are you perhaps scared today?

Many people are living with great fear in our nation today. They’re scared of losing their jobs… scared of the economy… scared that things are going to get worse before they get better. Some people are so scared they don’t want to leave their homes.

Jesus addressed that fear in us when He said, “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore; ye are of more value than many sparrows” (Luke 12:6–7).

Take courage today. The Lord is with you. He knows what you are facing, and He will keep you.

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Picture of Richard Roberts

Richard Roberts

Richard Roberts, B.A., M.A., D.Min., is the Chairman and CEO of Richard Roberts Ministries and has dedicated his life to ministering the saving, healing, delivering power of Jesus Christ around the world.

His services are marked with supernatural miracles and healings and by a tremendous move of the Spirit. Today, Richard focuses on his Greater Works international pastors conferences where he teaches and trains pastors in underdeveloped nations to take the full gospel with miracles, healing and signs following to their villages, cities, and nations, as Jesus said in John 14:12.