From the archives of Oral Roberts
Do you ever wonder if you’re going to make it or, if God really cares about your problems? When Jesus’ disciples rode with Him in a boat that was struck by a deadly storm, they cried, “Master, don’t You care that we perish (Mark 4:38)?” There may have been times when you’ve said, “Lord, do You care? I’ve prayed; I’ve read the Bible; I’ve gone to church; I’ve listened to your Word on TV and radio; but I don’t know if You are going to answer my prayers or not.”
If you have wondered if God cares about your concerns, you don’t have to wonder anymore. He does care. When the disciples cried out to Jesus, the Bible says, He arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm (Luke 8:24).
What does this show you? It shows that anything that happened to the disciples in that boat would have happened to Jesus. He was right there on the same boat in the same storm experiencing what they experienced. And He cared. This tells me that Jesus is so close to you that He feels your storms too. He knows when you’re afraid and when you wonder if He’s forgotten who you are. Just look at what happened when the disciples called on the Lord to take control of the storm. Verse 26 says, And they arrived. That’s right ― they arrived! They got through the storm. They reached the other side safely!
No matter what you’re going through today, Jesus is with you, and He cares. Hold fast to Him in faith, for He can take you through any storm safely!