Richard Roberts – Third of three parts
Many times I have had people say to me, “Richard, you don’t know what I’ve done. You don’t know the depths of it. You don’t know how bad it’s hurting me. You don’t know how it has destroyed me.”
Friend, you haven’t done anything worse than David did, and God restored David. In fact, the Bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart. David was a man who, when he did something that was wrong, he got on his knees, he repented, he asked God to forgive him, cleanse him, and make him whole. He hated sin. When he committed it, he turned aside from it, turned back to God, and said, “God, I’m sorry. Forgive me. Cleanse me.”
Today God does not want to talk about judgment and punishment and vengeance. Oh, yes, there is a judgment day coming. We all know that. There is coming a day when every person will stand before God. But right now we are living in an era of mercy, of God’s salvation, healing and deliverance. And there is nothing you have done for which He will not forgive you.
I want to pray for you because God’s hand of mercy is reaching out. Friend, there is nothing that you’ve done that God will not forgive if you will ask Him. Pray this prayer out loud:
O God, be merciful to me. God, I have sinned. I ask You to forgive me. I repent. I turn my back on sin. I renounce the devil and all of his works. I turn from it and I turn toward You, O God. Forgive me. Cleanse me. Create in me a new heart. Wash me whiter than snow. Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation. I ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen and amen.