Richard Roberts – First of three parts
The Bible says, Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16 NKJV). I want to be led by the Holy Spirit in everything I do; however, I believe there is a process to developing a Spirit-led life.
The first phase of a Spirit-led life is inspiration. To me, that means spending time with God, and learning to recognize His voice. Being raised in the healing ministry, I heard my father preach about hearing God speak to him. But I didn’t experience it until I was a student at the University of Kansas.
I loved my father and the healing ministry, but I had my own dream, my own plan. One day I was napping in my dorm room when I heard a voice say, “You’re in the wrong place.” I woke up, but no one was around. Three times I heard the voice, and when I asked, “Where’s the right place?” the voice said, “Your destiny is at Oral Roberts University.” I knew it was the voice of the Lord.
Inspiration came when I heard the voice of the Lord. He told me what to do, and I had to make a decision to obey. When I went to ORU, I discovered that what God had in mind for me was far better than what I had planned.
The second phase of a Spirit-led life is perspiration. I’m not talking about the natural sweat of athletes. I’m talking about a supernatural perspiration that comes from a dedicated work ethic. Titus 3:14 AMP says, Let your own [people really] learn to apply themselves … (to honest labor and honorable employment), so that they may … not be living idle lives. Jesus taught that you don’t get something for nothing. If you expect to receive a harvest, you must work and plant seed first.