Richard Roberts
I believe God places His dreams in our hearts, and He wants to help us fulfill them. Do you have a dream in your heart that has almost died because something happened that devastated you? No matter what has happened in your past, don’t lose hope. Try again!
Maybe you feel that you’ve failed. I know how that feels because I have experienced failure. But God specializes in mending broken dreams, healing wounded hearts, and making something beautiful out of our lives. Maybe you have a history of making bad choices and you think God could never forgive you. I believe with all my heart—and I speak with the confidence of knowing God’s Word—that there is nothing you could have done that God cannot, and will not, forgive. You simply have to ask Him. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins (1John 1:9).
However, God cannot forgive you if you don’t ask Him. God has done His part by making forgiveness available to you through Jesus Christ. Now you have to do your part and reach out to receive that forgiveness. You may want to pour your heart out to Him or simply pray a few words from your heart. I know one young man who, after years of pain, simply prayed, “Jesus…Okay!” With those two words, his life was miraculously transformed, as Jesus came into his heart. Now he is preaching the Gospel and winning souls to the Lord.
That doesn’t mean that God is going to call you into the ministry when you turn your life over to Him. But it does mean that He has something for you to do that is just right for you. God wants to give you the desires of your heart and help you fulfill your dreams. Don’t let past failures stand in your way. Try again.