Lindsay Roberts
Jesus said, “My peace I give to you; not as the world gives” (John 14:27 NKJV). Peace does not mean escaping your trouble by relaxing in a soothing bubble bath, because once you’re finished, the trouble is still there waiting for you.
One meaning of the word peace is “destroying the stronghold that creates chaos.” The way to live in the peace that Jesus gives is to destroy the stronghold that creates chaos in your life, and the stronghold of chaos is a spirit of fear. If you’re living in fear, you’ll never be able to live in peace. God said in 2 Timothy 1:7 that He has not given you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and a sound mind. So if a spirit of fear is trying to attach itself to you, it’s not from God, and you don’t want it! But you can’t wish it away, think it away, hope it away, or read it away. It’s a spirit. And there is only one way to get rid of a spirit—take authority over it with the Word of God!
If someone came to your front door with a bomb and you had the choice of opening the door and accepting it or slamming the door and refusing it, what would you do? Of course you would refuse it! The spirit of fear is just like that. Since God didn’t give it to you, you have a Bible right to say, “I refuse fear! I’m not going to have it!”
You can take authority over fear by saying, “God, I can’t handle this in my humanness or in my natural ability, but I can handle it in the Spirit. And, Satan, I call you what you are. You’re a liar, a thief, and the author of confusion and chaos. I will have no part of you, in the Name of Jesus!”