From the archives of Oral Roberts – Second of six parts
Nebuchadnezzar ― mighty conqueror and ruler of Babylon ― had defeated every nation known to him. He had his smelters take gold in huge amounts and cast an image of his own body, 100 feet high. Can you imagine that golden image standing ten stories high, glistening in the sun?
The order then went out. When the people of Babylon heard the sound of music at any time of the day, they were to fall down toward the image and worship it, saying, “Great is Nebuchadnezzar, our god.”
Nebuchadnezzar had begun his campaign to banish even the Name and thought of God from the face of the earth.
That is the supreme mission of the devil today: to set himself up as the god of this world, the one to whom he would have all bow in worship.
“But I would never bow to satan,” you say.
Oh, the devil is clever! He sets “images” before you that appear as beautiful or valuable; they “glisten” to capture your imagination. The outward appearance of sin is always appealing.
Be on alert when anything other than the Spirit of God seems to call out, saying, “I can solve all your problems. I am the best thing worth having. I am the source of your happiness.”
Make your declaration today. “The Lord alone is my Source.”
“Praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven” (Psalm 148:13).