healing articles

resources to build faith for healing

This ministry has many articles collected over our long history that carry valuable insights into healing, seed-faith and the Holy Spirit. Below is a sampling of articles full of great faith-building insights that will help you thrive on your road to a better life. We encourage you to take some time to invest in your spiritual life and read from a small collection of our vast library of great teaching.

NO Limits by Richard Roberts

Plugging Into God’s Limitless Supply for Your Life

The Bible is filled with examples of when God showed forth His power in unusual ways. He parted the Red Sea when the children of Israel were fleeing from Pharaoh’s army. He led Gideon and 300 Israelites to victory over an enemy of thousands. He multiplied five loaves and two fish to feed a crowd of five thousand. So, if God can do such great miracles, then is what you are going through too big for Him to handle? Nothing is too hard for Him, according to Jeremiah 32:17. He is limitless!  Read more >

It’s Your Time by Richard Roberts

Do you believe in miracles? I do. Many people today need miracles and I believe I have a good word from the Lord for you today: It’s your time to prosper and succeed. It’s time for a miracle, because God has good plans for you….    Read more >

The Freedom that Comes from Forgiveness by Richard Roberts

There is something that often hinders Christians from living for God right now—in the today of our lives. It’s called our past. Some people have pasts that they are not proud of. Many of us have lost expectations, failed dreams, or circumstances from past failures. We’ve all experienced things that we didn’t intend to have happen. Problems are a part of being human. The key to a successful life with God is not getting it perfect all the time. If it was, none of us would qualify! No, the secret isn’t perfection—it’s being quick to repent and quick to forgive ourselves and others. Read more >

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