monthly letter

a word from Richard & lindsay

Greetings once again in the matchless name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who always causes us to triumph, in Him (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Do you ever wonder why I say things like that? I don’t do it to come across as religious, although it is biblical. I don’t use it as a cliché or out of habit. And I certainly don’t say it to come across like a spiritual know it all. I actually say it to remind you of something, that as Christians, we often forget. Maybe not in principle, but perhaps in power.

You’re probably thinking… Richard, what in the world are you talking about?

Well, have you ever noticed how casually people use phrases like, “I love you”? Trust me, I think we need more love in the world. But when we don’t slow down to remember what these phrases actually mean, we may miss their power and they become routine and casual. Sometimes words that were extremely meaningful to us at one time lose their potency in our soul the more we hear them. This can happen in our walk with God, too. I think it’s partially why Deuteronomy 6 tells us to “diligently” rehearse, or remember God’s Word and His precepts and the ways God does things, and to teach them to our children. We’re to convey that God’s Word has relevance and life; it’s not just a set of rote commands—a set of rules to follow. Routine and ritual can be helpful for getting His Word from our heads down into our spirits, but let’s not become numb to the power His Word makes available to us. The above scripture, which I often use to open up my letters to you, has the power to transform us and our circumstances, if we will believe it and trust Him.

Greetings in the matchless name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who always causes us to triumph, in Him. Just sometimes? No. Only if you make all the right decisions? No. If God woke up on the right side of the bed? No. Always. Now, this is something to remember! This changes everything, especially if your life is anything like mine.

Sometimes, I feel like my back is up against the wall and there’s no way out. Sometimes, I question myself, wondering if I have what it takes to succeed at the things God has asked me to do. But then I remember I have Jesus! And Jesus ALWAYS causes me to triumph.

To triumph means to achieve victory or success! In other words, no matter what you’re facing no matter how hopeless it seems no matter how helpless you feel no matter the diagnosis no matter the hurt, the pain, the frustration or disappointment—if you don’t quit, you can expect to come out on top.

I’m so glad the Bible doesn’t say, “Jesus Christ, who, from time to time causes us to triumph.” I’m so glad it doesn’t say, “who, if you work hard enough will cause you to triumph.” Instead, He used the word always.

Do you know what always means? It means always.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this scripture while I’ve been praying over your needs as I personally continue to take steps towards the things God has asked me to do. I want to encourage you to do the same.

What God does for people, always starts with a person. When God wanted to set the children of Israel free, He didn’t just put an end to Pharaoh and slavery, although He could have. Instead, He started with Moses.

When God wanted to save the righteous from a flood that was sure to wipe out all of mankind, He didn’t do it simply by His divine intervention. No, He started with Noah.

When God wanted to provide a path for mankind’s salvation, He didn’t just snap His fingers and fix the problem. He sent Jesus. Why? Because He loves us.

And, Joy and Peter, God loves YOU. If you’ll trust Him, He can begin right where you are and get you to the other side of whatever is going on in your life and to your place of triumph.

Even in the midst of difficulty, what matters most is where you are promised to end up if you don’t give up. And, that, my dear friend, is a place of victory! Victory—not sometimes, but all the time. So, if you’re not in a place of victory yet, just know, God is not done.

I believe God has given me a very special vision with the new live healing program that I am starting in July. I will be praying every weekday for people’s needs—Monday through Friday, at 1 p.m. Eastern, noon Central, 11 a.m. Mountain and 10 a.m. Pacific time.

I believe God wants to use it as America’s Daily Healing Service. There are people God wants to bring healing to. And for whatever reason, I believe He’s going to use me to minister His healing touch. I am doing this for you, for your loved ones, and for all those who will reach out in faith to receive.

Now, let me ask you a question What is God calling you to? Has there been a hesitation to respond because of fear or feelings of uncertainty? Is there something God wants you to do, that you haven’t stepped out on because you think you’re too young or too old, you don’t have the money, or perhaps you don’t think you have what it takes?

Do you feel like something is limiting you? Well, guess what, you’re in good company.

Just think for a moment about these men and women from the Bible… Noah got drunk. Abraham was too old. Joseph was a daydreamer. Jacob lied. Leah didn’t have the looks. Moses had a speech problem. Gideon was riddled with fear and insecurity. Samson was a womanizer. Rahab was a prostitute. Jeremiah & Timothy thought they were too young. David had an affair with a married woman and murdered her husband. Elijah was suicidal. Isaiah thought himself unworthy. Jonah ran away from God. Naomi was a widow. Job went bankrupt. Martha was a worrier. The Samaritan woman who spoke with Jesus at the well was five times divorced. Zacchaeus was too small. Peter denied Christ. The disciples fell asleep while praying. The little boy only had five loaves and two fish. Lazarus was dead! And guess what? Jesus caused them all to triumph anyway. Wow! Just think about it.

This is the God we serve. He is not limited by our limitations. He is not scared of our missteps. I think sometimes we think too much. Somehow, someway, as Romans 8:28 says, He works it all together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. That’s for our good. Even as I write this I am reminded of Psalm 37:25 where it says, “I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor His descendants begging bread.”

Wow, can I ever affirm these scriptures to be true in my own life! My friend, it’s time for you to go for it. You have nothing to lose. Jesus always causes us to triumph. Let me make it more personal Jesus always causes you to triumph.

Don’t get me wrong. I know things don’t always work out the way we want them to. God knows what He’s doing. He sees things we cannot. I don’t need to triumph my way, I want to triumph His way!

Trust Him. Dream that dream… start that business… call that friend… help that neighbor sow that seed.

What is God wanting to do for people that He’s talking to you about? Maybe you’re called to help us with this new live healing program. Or, perhaps, for you, it’s something different. But don’t wait. Act now. Don’t miss out on what God has for you. God is trustworthy. He can be trusted with your family. He can be trusted with your finances and He can be trusted with your health.

Why God chooses to work through us will always be a mystery to me. But I believe He’s choosing you for something, too. You may be thinking, “Richard, I want that but I have no idea what it is yet.”

I remember years ago when I believed God wanted to give me a healing ministry. At the time, it seemed a bit crazy. Some people have said, “Yeah, but look who your father was.” Well, that’s exactly my point, look who my father was! Imagine living under that kind of pressure. Miracles weren’t happening through my hands like they were through his. I didn’t have the same skills or talents he did. In fact, I didn’t think that I had what it took at all. But yet, in my heart, I couldn’t escape God’s call on my life. So, my wife, Lindsay, and I began setting our faith to receive a healing ministry and we started sowing seed toward that dream.

That’s when I put this principle into practice… “When you can’t yet see, sow.” We began sowing seed into other ministries, believing that as we sowed, God would lead us and guide us and begin to give us the ministry we believed He had called us to. And, as we sowed, miracles did begin to happen and we saw what we wouldn’t have otherwise. Maybe where or how you’ll sow looks different, but the principle remains the same.

When you take action, placing your trust in the hands of God, He is able to show up in a way that only He can. Just like the scripture says in Matthew 6:33, Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. When we seek God’s way of doing things, even when it makes no sense to our logic and reasoning, and we refuse to lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5), somehow, things start coming together.

Remember this… confusion is not of God and I pray that every hinderance will be removed and that clarity will come to your heart and soul and that you will know with certainty exactly what God wants you to do.

I would really like for you to pray and ask what God would have you to do to be a part of bringing this new live healing program to people in need. We are believing for many, many miracles! As you give in whatever way He asks you, I’m expecting God to multiply your gift back to you in ways you need it most, according to His Word in Luke 6:38. Together we can partner to bring healing across our nation and around the world.

I am not just asking you to partner with me. I want to partner with you for the miracles you need. And, when you send your best gift this month, be sure to request my book, God’s Healing Touch. God has gifted me specifically in the area of healing and I have written this book to show you beyond any doubt that it is God’s will for you to be healed. I believe it will help you release your faith for God’s healing and to be in expectation for His healing touch, not just physically, but in whatever area you need it.

Also, don’t forget to send me your prayer needs and concerns by going to or you can include them when you sow your best seed gift at the link below. I pray for you and all my Partners every day and I will pray over your prayer requests and place them in the updated studio where the anointing will be flowing during this new Live healing program. And I will be in agreement with you, expecting God’s miraculous intervention in your own circumstances.

I believe deep in my spirit that something special is coming as a result of this act of my faith. And my prayer is that something special will come to you as a result of yours.

God has a plan. God has a purpose. No matter how bad your situation may be, give it to God and refuse to be limited by things you cannot understand. He can be trusted—our Savior, Jesus Christ, who ALWAYS causes us to triumph, in Him.


I’m praying for you and expecting miracles.



PS. And don’t forget to send me your prayer needs as soon as possible so I can lay my hands on them and join my faith with yours for His miracles. And for your best gift this month, I want to send you my book, God’s Healing Touch, for you or a loved one. God wants you healed in every area of your life—spirit, soul and body, and I believe this book will help you release your faith for His healing touch. You can request your copy at the link below. Jesus is faithful and He will lead you to victory. Don’t give up…in Him, you will always triumph! Thank you for sowing your seed to help with the new Live healing program.



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