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‘Now I Can See!’

Lindsay Roberts

If I want to see things clearly, I have to wear classes. Since fifth grade I’ve been praying for my eyesight to be healed, but I haven’t received my total healing yet. When I don’t wear my glasses, everything is blurry and I can’t see. But when I put them on, instantly I can see clearly.

The change in my eyesight when I wear glasses reminds me of the day I asked Jesus to come into my heart. When I was living without Jesus, I was one of the walking dead. But when I asked Him to come inside my heart and He became my personal Savior, I could feel an immediate change. I went from darkness to light. Suddenly the old Lindsay no longer existed, and Lindsay, the child of God, came alive. I became a different person!

And, according to 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV, that’s exactly what happened. That verse says, If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Accepting Jesus as my Savior was a life-changing moment for me, much like the man whose blindness was healed by Jesus. The Pharisees tried to convince him that Jesus was a sinner, but the healed man said to them, “I don’t know whether he is a sinner … But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see” (John 9:25 NLT)! Jesus had transformed his life.

If you are ready to leave your old life behind and become a new creation in Christ, pray with me: Father God, I am a sinner. A sinner who wants to come out of the darkness into Your light. I repent of my sins and ask for Your forgiveness and mercy. I have been blind, but now I am ready to see! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Picture of Richard Roberts

Richard Roberts

Richard Roberts, B.A., M.A., D.Min., is the Chairman and CEO of Richard Roberts Ministries and has dedicated his life to ministering the saving, healing, delivering power of Jesus Christ around the world.

His services are marked with supernatural miracles and healings and by a tremendous move of the Spirit. Today, Richard focuses on his Greater Works international pastors conferences where he teaches and trains pastors in underdeveloped nations to take the full gospel with miracles, healing and signs following to their villages, cities, and nations, as Jesus said in John 14:12.