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He Took It, Not To Keep

From the archives of Oral RobertsPart Two of Two Parts

In I Kings 17, the prophet Elijah came to the widow of Zarephath who had only enough food to cook one meal and then planned to die. Elijah said, “First cook a little cake for me, the servant of God. And God says if you will, then that supply you have, which is just enough for today, will not diminish. God is saying if you do it for me, then He will use it and multiply it back.” She and her son and Elijah did eat many days ― a miracle!

In Luke 5:3, Jesus took Peter’s boat; not to keep but to preach from. Afterward, He said, “Let down your nets for a haul.” And they caught so many fish that their nets began to break and the boat began to sink. God had not wanted the boat to keep, but He borrowed the empty boat to use and fill up. Whatever you have in your life that’s empty, give it to God for Him to fill.

Finally, Jesus was in the Temple watching the people as they gave their offerings. A poor widow came up and threw in two mites; a couple of pennies. The Lord observed that the rich gave out of their abundance, but she gave of her want; all of her living. And Jesus let her do it. But Jesus didn’t want it to keep. He said, “She’s given more.” Giving out of your surplus is like God giving one of His millions of angels. But God gave His only Begotten Son to die on the cross. He gave out of His want. And that’s real giving, the kind that God’s going to send back—that smile when it hurts to smile, that loving when it hurts to love, that giving of funds when it’s all you have. And God isn’t going to keep it. He’s just going to use it, multiply it, and send it back. Today, God wants you and me to start giving and seeding for our miracles, for Him to use and then multiply back.

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Richard Roberts

Richard Roberts, B.A., M.A., D.Min., is the Chairman and CEO of Richard Roberts Ministries and has dedicated his life to ministering the saving, healing, delivering power of Jesus Christ around the world.

His services are marked with supernatural miracles and healings and by a tremendous move of the Spirit. Today, Richard focuses on his Greater Works international pastors conferences where he teaches and trains pastors in underdeveloped nations to take the full gospel with miracles, healing and signs following to their villages, cities, and nations, as Jesus said in John 14:12.