Living Out the Christian Life

From the archives of Oral Roberts

I believe one of the toughest things in the world is to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s tough because it requires a total commitment of your life and your will to Him.

It’s tough to be a Christian on the baseball field, or on the football field, or the basketball court, or the golf course. It’s tough to be a Christian in the classroom. It’s tough to be a Christian in the kitchen when the food that is being cooked doesn’t turn out right and someone won’t eat it. It’s tough to be a Christian on the job when you work hard and someone else gets the promotion you think you should have had.

Jesus said, “If ye CONTINUE in my word, then are ye my disciples” (John 8:31). Becoming a Christian is one thing, but living out the Christian life…becoming a disciple…is quite another. For example, the marriage ceremony is one thing, but the marriage “lived out” is quite another. Or, just as you may own a farm, becoming a farmer…actually farming that land…is something else. In the same way, one can take Christ into his life at a given point in his existence, but does he go on and become a disciple? We need to ask ourselves, “Am I a disciple? Am I a follower? Am I living out the Christian life?”

I believe with my whole being that we must first be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. And, second, we must go on and become followers of our Lord…disciples…and face up to the toughness of the Christian walk. We “walk out” our salvation as we follow our Lord!

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