Richard Roberts
I have often heard people say, “When I plant my seed, something always goes wrong.” Have you experienced that? I certainly have. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve planted a seed and the enemy came to try to steal my harvest (Mark 4:14–15).
I believe with all of my heart that when you sow to God, Satan comes to discourage you and make you feel like you’re defeated. Maybe your car breaks down, a loved one gets sick, or things start to look bad financially. The devil’s goal is to make you feel like the well has run dry. He wants to make you blame God and wish you had never planted a seed at all because it didn’t work.
If the devil can get us to give up and decide we’re never going to plant another seed in faith, then he’s got us right where he wants us. When it looks like the well has run dry, you and I have two choices: We can blame God and quit, saying, “It’s over for me. I’m never going to sow seed to God again.” Or we can believe the Bible in spite of what’s happening around us and continue to give―maybe even double up on our giving!
Galatians 6:7–9 says, Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap … Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. If you’re discouraged because you’ve planted seed and planted seed and you’ve not yet reaped the harvest, I’m telling you with all of my faith that, according to the Word of God, your harvest is on the way. Refuse to quit and give in to the pressure of the enemy because victory is coming!