Does God Want Me Healed?

Sickness is a terrible thing, and we’ve all faced it in some way in our lives. But there is something worse than just being sick—and that is to be sick […]


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Your Road to a Better Life!

[et_pb_section fb_built=\”1\” admin_label=\”section\” _builder_version=\”4.16\” global_colors_info=\”{}\”][et_pb_row admin_label=\”row\” _builder_version=\”4.16\” background_size=\”initial\” background_position=\”top_left\” background_repeat=\”repeat\” global_colors_info=\”{}\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”4.16\” custom_padding=\”|||\” global_colors_info=\”{}\” custom_padding__hover=\”|||\”][et_pb_text admin_label=\”Text\” _builder_version=\”4.17.4\” background_size=\”initial\” background_position=\”top_left\” background_repeat=\”repeat\” hover_enabled=\”0\” global_colors_info=\”{}\” sticky_enabled=\”0\”] By Richard Roberts Now, I think […]

Moving Forward on All Fronts!

By Richard Roberts I believe God has a plan to move you forward into the greatest days you have ever experienced in Him. No matter what you may be facing […]

Praying For Your Loved Ones

[et_pb_section fb_built=\”1\” admin_label=\”section\” _builder_version=\”4.16\” global_colors_info=\”{}\”][et_pb_row admin_label=\”row\” _builder_version=\”4.16\” background_size=\”initial\” background_position=\”top_left\” background_repeat=\”repeat\” global_colors_info=\”{}\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”4.16\” custom_padding=\”|||\” global_colors_info=\”{}\” custom_padding__hover=\”|||\”][et_pb_text admin_label=\”Text\” _builder_version=\”4.17.4\” background_size=\”initial\” background_position=\”top_left\” background_repeat=\”repeat\” hover_enabled=\”0\” global_colors_info=\”{}\” sticky_enabled=\”0\”] By Oral Roberts Whenever you begin […]

It Is Later Than You Think

By Oral Roberts Recently, I had a visitation from God. I was in my hotel room when I felt God’s presence. I began walking the floor with my hands outreached […]

How To Live a Blessed and Happy Life

By Oral Roberts Psalm 1 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the […]

Writing the New Story of Your Life

By Lindsay Roberts Anyone who watches television and hears reports about what certain movie stars are doing in their careers, has probably heard the expression that he or she is […]

The GREATER WORKS in the Everydayness of Life

By Lindsay Roberts My mother-in-law, Evelyn Roberts, had a saying I will always remember. She said God talked to her in the everydayness of life. She came to this revelation […]

OUTNUMBERED… More WITH Us Than Against Us

By Lindsay Roberts Have you ever faced a situation that caused you to say, “I just can’t do this?” Perhaps you’ve told yourself, “I’m defeated. I don’t have the capability. […]